About Us
About Us
Development Support Center (DSC) is a resource organization that provides knowledge- based support to Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), Corporate Houses (CSRs), Government Agencies, Community Based Organizations and other stakeholders in the field of Participatory Natural Resource Management (PNRM) and sustainable livelihoods. The organization was established by Late Shri Anil C. Shah in the year 1994, in response to the demand from various eminent individuals and stakeholders concerned with rural development in Gujarat and at present, its projects cover four states of Western India. DSC provides a variety of services through multi-disciplinary team of professionals that directly implements projects, helps in capacity building of key functionaries, carries out field studies and takes initiatives for research and appropriate policy changes.
DSC’ Group of Institutions
Field Implementation
DSC is involved in implementation of various programs covering more than 700 villages and 1.20 lakh households of rainfed and irrigated areas spreading in 18 districts of Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh (M.P.), Maharashtra and Rajasthan. It directly promoted “Participatory Irrigation Management” (PIM) programme in about 1,10,000 hectares of 6 major and 2 medium irrigation projects in Gujarat and MP and capacity building of WUAs in Kukdi Irrigation Circle near Pune, Maharashtra. The organization has facilitated about 329 Water User Associations (WUAs), one branch and two project level federations. It is one of the largest NGOs in India working in the irrigation sector with its PIM projects cited as models in Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh. These projects have also been instrumental in influencing policies at the state and national level.
DSC is involved in implementing the Integrated Watershed Management Program (IWMP) covering about 28,700 ha. in Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Rajasthan in collaboration with Govt. Departments and CSR partners.
“The Integrated Water Resource Management” (IWRM) including Participatory Ground Water Management (PGWM) covering about 35,000 hectares in rainfed areas is being implemented in Aravali District, Gujarat and Aurangabad District, Maharashtra and also in 24 villages in the command area of Dharoi, Mazum and Guhai irrigation schemes in North Gujarat.
It is also promoting sustainable agriculture activities and forward backward linkages and integration through Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) in both rainfed and irrigated areas.
More than 550 Women Self Help Groups (SHGs) and two registered women federations have been promoted which are involved in saving, credit, convergence, collective enterprise and on-farm and off-farm income generating activities. The “Gramin Sushasan Project (GSP)" is being implemented with 32 Gram Panchayats in Aravalli district, Gujarat and Dhar district, MP
Capacity Building
The DSC strongly believes that the success of participatory program lies in the capacity building of various stakeholders including community, NGO, CSR representatives, academic and government functionaries. The organization is recognized as a resource center for PIM, Watershed and Agriculture programs at the state and national level. It collaborates with the Water and Land Management Institute (WALMI), Anand, Gujarat for providing support to promote PIM in selected irrigation projects of the State. Similarly, it collaborates with the Gujarat State Watershed Management Agency (GSWMA), Rajiv Gandhi Jal-Grahan Mission (RGJGM), Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, Sajjata Sangh Ahmedabad, GujPro Ahmedabad, CSRs and international donors to provide training to village functionaries as well as to the staff of project implementing agencies. It hosts exposure visits for national and international delegations on PNRM and local governance. DSC also conducts basic orientation program for Post Graduate and Under Graduate students from institutes such as Institute of Rural Management Anand (IRMA), Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Anand Agriculture University (AAU) etc. So far, DSC has organized more than 790 training programs at its well-equipped training centre in Ahmedabad, which can host about 70 participants with lodging and boarding facilities. The Anil C Shah Resource Centre in Visnagar is involved in providing field level capacity building activities and exposure visits.
Information, Education and Communication (IEC) Development
DSC develops user friendly audio-video and printed Information, Education and Communication (IEC) materials on best practices in PNRM and Livelihood in Gujarati, Hindi, Marathi and English that can be used for wider dissemination, training and awareness of various stakeholders. These include posters, panels, booklets and video films on PIM, Watershed, Integrated Water Resource Management, Agriculture Development, and Farmer Producer Organizations etc. Various Government and NGOs use these materials in their development projects. DSC has produced 90 print material, 20 audio visuals and broadcasted 253 radio programs, till date. The organization also publishes success stories for dissemination purpose and it has a set of 19 issues of 'Divadandi'; and 5 issues of 'Pahal' published highlighting best practices in NRM and sustainable agriculture.
In M.P. and Gujarat, DSC provides mobile phone voice and text SMS services to more than 4000 lead farmers for crop advisory and forecasting/ announcement of critical events such as weather, agriculture produce market, govt. schemes and capacity building programmes etc. under various projects. More than 4500 households prescribed Mobile Mahiti program.
Research and Documentation
The DSC carries out research studies based on issues emerging from the field. These include Documentation of Best Practice Case Studies, Impact Assessment, project Evaluation, and Thematic Studies at the State and National Level. It has also published more than 98 research papers and best practices in PNRM, Agriculture, and Livelihood Enhancement. Majority of these publications are available on DSC’s website www.dscindia.org. These studies are used by government officers, policy makers, and practitioners alike thus playing an important role in influencing policies and procedures at the State and Central level.
Policy Influencing
The organization believes that the lessons from the field should be shared with the policy makers at state and national level for further refinement of the program. Through direct field implementation and research studies, DSC provides realistic, grassroot experience based feedback to policy makers through an active participation in various committees at District, State, and National Level. DSC played a major role in formulating the Guidelines for ‘The Integrated Watershed Management Program’ (IWMP), ‘The XIth Five Year Plan’s Approach Paper on Rainfed Areas’ and ‘The Recommendations of the Working Group on Major and Medium Irrigation and Command Area Development for the XIIth Five Year Plan (2012-2017)’.
The organization is also supporting IndiaNPIM in drafting revised model PIM Act and capacity building initiatives in the country, National Water Mission and Indian Water Forum etc. for developing capacity building and piloting IWRM and Participatory Ground Water Management etc.
Farmers Producer Organizations
Looking at the need for timely and quality inputs as well as better price realization of farmers in its operational area, DSC has been promoting and incubating FPOs in the form of Company and Cooperative with the financial support of partner agencies. Till date, following FPOs are formed and functional.
- The Adimjati Gramoday Farmer Producer Company Ltd. Alirajpur, Madhya Pradesh–2017
- The Narmada Valley Farmer Producer Company, Kukshi & Manavar, Madhya Pradesh- 2015
- The Ekta Fruits and Vegetable Producer Cooperative Ltd, Daskroi, Gujarat – formed in 2013
- The Krushidhan Producer Company Ltd (KPCL), Ahmedabad, Gujarat – formed in 2005
These block, district and multidistrict level FPOs provide input supply, value addition, and market linkage related services to farmers in about 310 villages spreading over 20 blocks of 8 districts in Gujarat and M.P. These FPOs have over 6500 shareholders including 5400 men and 2100 women from cluster level federations and village level, farmers’ clubs of men and women. This groups are engaged in various activities such as production of seeds, organic inputs, organic and inorganic cereals, spices and pulses and selling of grocery items etc. and supply of agriculture inputs through agro-outlets. The Company also promotes local and long value chains by providing technical know-how to these groups. The companies are governed by an independent Board of Directors including producers and experts.
DSC Foundation
In March 2012 DSC set up ‘The DSC Foundation’ as a registered Company under Section 25 of the Companies Act 1956. The main goal of the Foundation is to provide know-how, guidance, and necessary assistance in the field of PNRM and livelihood enhancement to community-based organizations, NGOs, government agencies and the private sector. These include conducting evaluation/impact assessment studies, training and hosting exposure visits for national and international participants as well as influencing policies.
Sajjata Sangh
DSC has facilitated a network of NGOs involved in promoting NRM program in Gujarat. This network named Sajjata Sangh has 22 NGOs and CSRs. as its members and is involved in policy advocacy as well as in promoting innovations in rainfed agriculture. The Sajjata Sangh is involved in capacity building of NGOs and networking events in partnership with NGOs, Govt. departments and other stakeholders. The Sajjata Sangh has also set up a state level network of Farmer Producer Organizations in the name of Gujarat Farmer Producer Company which has 26 members at present.
Gujpro is a state level consortium of Farmer Producer Companies headquartered at DSC Ahmedabad to promote farmer led agri. business in Gujarat. The Company has representatives from 26 Producer Companies as its members. It is collaborating with the Govt. of Gujarat, National and International agencies for supporting farmers of Gujarat in backward and forward market linkages. This consortium and its members are involved in policy advocacy as well as in promoting innovations in agri-business and value chain interventions with farmers and agri. business entities and government departments.