DSC has been the mainspring of Sajjata Sangh, a network of NGOs implementing participatory NRM programmes in Gujarat. Its aim is to create a platform for the NGOs for mutual learning, strengthening capacity building efforts and enhancing access to external sources of knowledge. The sangh also makes collective effort to create a favourable environment for the promotion of participatory NRM policies. Currently, the sangh has 28 members. Membership is by invitation.
The primary goal of the sangh's activities is to raise productivity of the natural resources which would lead to increase in incomes, especially among small and marginal farmers. To achieve the goal, the farmers are persuaded to adopt cost reduction practices. Efforts are also being made to establish forward linkage like marketing & insurance linkages and value addition for cash crops.
The Sangh organizes workshops on several subjects such as Integrated Pest Management and Productivity Enhancement Workshops for Cash Crops. Playing the role of a catalyst, the Sangh has also organized workshops for creating awareness (Gender in Watershed Development) and spreading information (The New Agricultural Extension Policy).
The future plans include piloting loan-based natural resource development activities, expanding the scope of watershed associations by converting them to agribusiness units like Producer Company at Dhari field, Amreli and consolidating research linkages with the Gujarat Agricultural University.