Training & Capacity Building
Training & Capacity Building
Training & Capacity Building
One of the first activities that DSC started was training of NGO members, Government functionaries and villagers. So far DSC has conducted numerous training programmes, workshops and exposure visits mainly in the field of participatory irrigation management, watershed development and agricultural productivity enhancement. The training programmes on agricultural productivity enhancement were conducted under the auspices of Sajjata Sangh, a network of voluntary organizations promoted by DSC. The experience of DSC's training activity has been instrumental in influencing the training polices at the state and the national level. The general objectives of DSC's training programmes are:
- To increase efficacy of managers, implementers and trainers for implementation of watershed development, Participatory Irrigation Management and Agricultural Productivity Enhancement (watershed plus) programmes in terms of knowledge, skill, and attitude.
- To replicate successful experiences of natural resource management on wider scale.
DSC conducts long duration training programs such as Basic Training Course (BTC), 30 days residential training programme for the functionaries of watershed implementing agencies as well as short duration specialized training programs such as a Training on Agriculture development in watershed project, women's participation in natural resource development, SHG concept and promotion, Training of Trainers (TOT), Attitude and Behaviors change, Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM) for Irrigation Department Engineers. Etc. DSC also conducts short duration specialized workshops for NGO leaders and Government officers and organize exposure trips to successful models of watershed development and PIM, within and outside the state. Workshop for experience sharing and policy influencing on various issues are also conducted on regular basis
Features of DSC's Training Activities
- Need based training
- On-field, on the job training
- Correlates improvements
- Integrated with other activities of the organization.
Recognition as Training Institute.
- DSC is recognized by the Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India as training institute for natural resource management in the year 1995.
- DSC is one among three state level training institutes recognized by the state government for training in watershed development programme since 1999.
- In the year 1997, Council for Advancement of People's Action and Rural Technology (CAPART), Government of India undertaking, introduced a scheme of 'Training and Support Voluntary Organisation' (TSVO) for watershed development. DSC is one amongst seven TSVOs in the country and responsible for the state of Gujarat.
- DSC is recognized as one of the four training institutes for Participatory Irrigation Management by the State Irrigation Department of Gujarat.
DSC's Training Activities at Glance
- Number of Training Programmes conducted by DSC : 351
- On PIM : 179
- On Watershed management and Watershed Plus : 200
- To replicate successful experiences of natural resource management on wider scale.