- PIM - Posters/ Stikers
This set of five posters provides basic information on the PIM process through pictures and slogans. PIM logo useful for creating awareness of the program. Rs. 50/-
- Paricipatory Irrigation Management: Compilation of Orders of the Government of Gujarat
Created in collaboration with the government, this book consolidates government orders on improving irrigation infrastructure through PIM.2nd Edition, 1999, 93p. Rs. 125/- (Gujarati/English)
- Sahbhagi Sinchai Vyavastha: booklet
Through simple language and clear illustrations, this booklet explains the concept of PIM, Govt. support to PIM programme in Gujarat, Various important Govt. orders and their Provisions, process etc. It also discuss in PIM development in Gujarat its and good examples, experiences set by the Irrigation co-operatives. This booklet is useful for the basic information of the programme to the individual.2003. 24p. Rs. 10/- (Gujarati)
- State Government Bylaws for Irrigation Cooperative Societies and federations
This compilation is useful for those interested in forming irrigation co-operatives society and federation and who are involved in Supporting or facilitation.24p. Rs. 30/- (Gujarati / English)
- Kiyadar ni Vat: Sahabhagi sinchai vyavasthanun safal drashtant - VCD
Dhroi Irrigation Project in North Gujarat covers village Kiyadar as a part of its command, which had not seen water in canal system since the completion o f the project. Looking to the success of PIM in neighboring Rangpur and Thalota village these villagers decided to adopt PIM.Irrigation cooperatives was formed with the support and guidance of DSC.Farmers contributed through voluntary labour and cash towards the cost of rehabilitation of canal. MoU was signed between IC and Irrigation Department to take over management of canal irrigation. Villagers were happy to have water in their canals after such huge efforts. Irrigation co-operatives involved an efficient water distribution system. Adequate and timely water was available to the farmers, area under irrigation increased by 100 hac. and as a result the agricultural yield increase enough fodder got available for the cattle, villagers shown thorough understanding of collective effort and people participation. 35 Min. Rs. 100/- (Gujarati)
- Chalo, Uthao Bidu Khedu: Participatory irrigation Management - VCD
This film introduces PIM and details some positive experiences of irrigation cooperative societies in Gujarat and Maharashtra. It explains that with support and guidance irrigation societies made up of local farmers can manage irrigation canals more effectively than the state and increase agricultural production.28 Min. Rs. 100/-(Gujarati)