- Proceedings of the National Workshop on Tail-enders and Other Deprived in the Canal Irrigation System
The workshop was organized to discuss the findings of the research study on tailenders which was carried out in six states, namely Gujarat, Haryana, Karnataka, Maharastra, Orissa and Tamil Nadu.
- Proceedings of the Regional Workshop on Participatory Irrigation Management
This is the proceedings of the Regional workshop organized on 20th and 21st January 2006, was the first ever initiative taken by an NGO to create a forum for learning and sharing in a well defined workshop on PIM different from what is usually organized by Government, donors and many other academic institutions. The main agenda of the workshop were planned presentations on the working of PIM in 3 states of India: Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat based on the findings of about 50 sample Water User’s Associations in each state.