- Risk and Productivity in Farming in North Gujarat and Amreli
Many institutions and individuals have helped us in this study. It will not be possible to identify and thank them all.
- Cost-benefit Analysis of Joint Forest Management Programme Undertaken by Government and Non-government Agencies in Gujarat, Anil C. Shah, 2000-01. 49p.
Exploration of the of real benefits enjoyed by the people, the array of costs in Joint Forest Management (JFM), and the perception of the common people and officials towards the JFM programme.
- Study on Rainfall Insurance in Jamnagar.
Risk is an indispensable but manageable element in agriculture. Revenues and incomes from agriculture can vary widely from year to year due to unforeseen weather, disease/pest infestations, and/or market conditions. When the unfavorable deviations in agriculture significantly reduce income in the short-term, there can be serious repercussions in the absence of effective risk management tools, especially when those deviations are systemic or coincident to the whole community.
- Market Potential of American Sweet Corn in Gujarat.
A few years back, American Sweet Corn was something that was considered rare and exotic. Now, it is ubiquitous in supermarkets, at roadside vendors, at multiplexes and malls, entertainment zones, and food courts. Despite its huge potential, farmers are not being able to reap the real benefits from American Sweet Corn due to the lack of appropriate market information.